Conversation Between Heartless Angel and Dranzer

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I don't remember the comedian's name. My Dad told me the joke once, it went something like: "Never give a driver's license to someone you can blind with dental floss."

    Not word for word, but you get the idea.
  2. Well you said you weren't gonna tell it for fear of modrage, so I didn't figure the thread was the best place to ask, but I'll admit I'm curious XD.

    And yeah, there is no reason whatsoever for bans on assault weapon as defined by that law, it was just a token gesture by gun control proponents. Win a trivial victory, rally the masses, possibly gain momentum towards your actual goal. It's just politics.
  3. Between the two of us, I think me and Sassy have pretty well covered it. An actual assault rifle is fully automatic, an assault weapon as defined by assault weapon laws more accurately translates to 'guns that look scary'.
    This is really all I had to reply to, so I figured I'd do it this way. I'm glad you guys clarified this because I thought there was something different about the gun itself that classified it as an "assault weapon" etc, rather than they just "look scary". That logic doesn't make sense to me. >.>;

    (PS- You have no idea how disappointed I am that no one bothered asking me what my joke was. Lame.)
  4. Hey there, thanks for joining my RP! =] I'm sending this message out to all of you guys - I just wanted to let you know that I'm working on typing up the geography and stuff, I should have it posted tonight or tomorrow night at the latest. I'm still gonna wait a few more days to get it started and see if anyone else decides to join or not, otherwise I'll see if anyone else would like to take on a second character.
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