Conversation Between Meier Link and Michael Swayne

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well for one you took something truthful and honest and turned it to the negative. I ment what I said about reapply later on. A lot of the members of CPC8 think highly of you, the opinion came to be that you were just not ready at this point.

    Also you took all tests negativly. Even went as far as to bash Kyra when in reality she knew you would be a gentalmen before that test started and even stated so to the house.

    The initiation test are set into motion for reasons, mainly to see who the members are and it takes puting them outside their comfort zones to bring that's aspects to light. It also helps our members that are unfamiliar with you get a better grasp of who you are. There is a lot more to the test then just a simple pass / fail and a lot of discussion goes with it.
  2. What is there to say? I am not upset with anything regarding the CPC8 decision. Everything I had to say I wrote it in the journal. If there is anything I may have misunderstood, then I would be happy to hear it.
  3. Michael, if you want to talk to me off the forum send me a message via facebook.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Corrections are acceptable to post about.
  6. How should we point out corrections? Xana's vote had 1 point up-vote and 2 points down-vote.
  7. Completely understandable.
  8. That's just a for now thing. Will make a final decision based on how people act. Really don't want to hand out warnings.
  9. I'm glad the game is still going on. Though, it sucks that there's no more Obliterations. Just when I was getting good at them, too.
  10. Soon. Maybe Sunday, maybe not. That's the suprise.
  11. Sorry to bother you. I was wondering when the Member Elimination gets to raise its points to raise and lower.
  12. I was wondering, because in your vote, you said that Darkwolf had a few minutes left. He was knocked out by R.Kyra yesterday. You voted nearly twenty-four hours after his knockout. I was a bit puzzled.

    I was also wondering about Gypsy Elder's latest vote. It has two up-votes and two down-votes (as of my last check of the votes). Also, Telegraph's last vote showed Polk having 7 points, when in fact he has 8. I would fix this my self in a post, but Rocky has since then voted for Polk. I am unsure of what to do.

    I hate to sound like a tattletale, but I am just concerned for the validity of the votes.
  13. The have a grace period with out fear of being obliterated. They can still b revived at anypoint after that 12 hours if an obliterator isn't quick to serve a slice of death to them
  14. I thought the knocked out people only had twelve hours. Did I misread the OP?
  15. Got it covered. Sure Taco wont mind the add in. Hopefully that is everyone. Only had a moment or two to go through the list but apparently I failed epically heh.
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