Conversation Between Rhaps and Victoria

49 Visitor Messages

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  1. ooooh nifty. I don't like MWS's interface anyway
    I can barely afford it myself. I managed to build my Red/White off of fifty bucks I saved by not eating lunch for a few weeks, and I borrowed my friend's fog deck. My dream deck is a Pentacolour Angels deck, but it's waaaaaaaaaay out of my price range.
  2. With cockatrice, you don't have to bother going to search for all the pictures and stuff. The interface takes a bit getting used to, but you can have your own custom playmat and things.

    I'm too poor to play Magic IRL. Lol.
  3. Cockatrice? I am now interested.
    I'm pretty sure my friend showed me MWS because that's all his computer can handle. I mean, I don't like virtual Magic as much as I like playing IRL, but virtual saves me money and having to deal with that stupid ****ing clerk at the goddamn card shop. Seriously, **** that guy.
    Slivers are all sorts of fun, no matter which side you're on. The same can't be said for Fog, which ended up making everyone hate me at FNM last week.
  4. Uh... Cockatrice -- News - MWS is so old. =P But I do have MWS.. but I don't have my sliver deck in MWS. >.> I have my other two, though.
  5. Do you have Magic Workstation? I'd test it with you if you'd like to recreate it there.
  6. I run three decks. Mono Black, Black/Red, Sliver. Just made the sliver and have yet to test it.
  7. o hai
    birthday happy and what-not
  8. Women are a confusing people indeed...
    You dropped the Mistress?
  9. Well I already provided the sexiness, so there.
  10. A little slow on the uptake, Rhap. xP I already provided the answer.
  11. Yeah well, there are still some good ones out there.
  12. The one I would trust has been busted
  13. Eh? What are you talking about? There's tons of trusted torrent sites.
  14. That is a good part of why I want it....
    Aw man the only trusted torrent site has been killed.... Damn.
  15. That part's easy. I'm talking about the story and everything.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 49
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