Conversation Between Sasquatch and Catalana

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Cool ! ^^ It makes me think ... next winter I will have to buy gloves because I didn't have any last one so I was freezing like a snowman --' ... rather snow girl ! it's better !
  2. Yeah, Wisconsin has pretty long winters, but it's nice in the summer.
  3. Haaa ^^ I live in France and here ( where I live ) it's always cold xD So now when heat comes, we all want to move in the fridge !!!
  4. Where are you? I live in Wisconsin, so it's a nice 65 degrees here.
  5. How are you ? Is there heat where you are ? Because it's unbearable here lol
  6. Well hi.
  7. Salut !
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7