Conversation Between Illusion and Assassin

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Why hello Illusion. Thank you soooo much, your an ewsome person toooo coz you, I guess also like SUPERNATURAL ( I know Cass is awesome *woot* ). Angelmarie is on of my friends but I don't think I've talked to Nikkilinkle. You also have fun and take care.
    And lets not forget, SUPERNATURAL ROCKS!!!!!!
  2. Hi!

    I don't come here any more, but let me just say that you're quite awesome if you're a supernatural fan. ( Castiel is my favorite character).

    Have fun in the forums and in life in general, cool?
    Take care!

    BTW: angelmarie & nikkilinkle r some good ppl 2 chat if u want 2 gt 2 know some1. Sound fun?
  3. Hiiiiiiiii
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3