Conversation Between i.aM.BlissKaZE and RamesesII

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Aww thankyou =DD I'm actually having the biggest crisis atm, I'm trying to write chapter 7 but I can't help but think I've lost the story entirely...I keep trying to watch the movie for ideas and just hating on my story...Epic writers cramp :/
  2. I have read the first page of you fiction it was really good, although I am not much for reading fan fiction I liked yours.
  3. Probably post the whole thing because you already have the link in your signature.
  4. Think I should post the link or the whole thing? 'Asking all the personal questions' XD XD abs love it
  5. The one and only haha yeah the makeover is for some short lived sh*ts and giggles.
    Australian humor haha.
    Anyway here is quick link for Lit threads Literature - The Final Fantasy Forums
  6. Rameses? Lawl at the makeover thanks for the link...
  7. How are you?
    I found you can post Fan fiction in the Literature thread if you feel like it.
  8. Thanks for that link actually am really greatful for all the help you've been giving me around here No FanFiction sub-link but :/
  9. Here is a link where you should be able to submit fan fiction The Final Fantasy: Introduction to the TFF Point System
    I think I am not really up with that side but I have asked an admin and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
  10. I am trying to find out if and which part of the forum you could submit fan fiction to as well.
  11. If you want you make new thread here and make a formal hello to all.
  12. To answer your questions about gil yes you are right the more you post and threads you make the more gil you get and can be spent in here vBcommerce and you will need gil in order to play the Arcade games
    As well as gil you need a post count of 100 to play the arcade games.

    Another side note as well some of the other new members have been necro posting
    Which means they have been posting in real old threads to get their post count up so just check the date of the last post and if it has been inactive for a few months don't post in it.
  13. Just a quick heads up if you haven't seen this announcement already, this is to help prevent useless posts that don't contribute anything to a thread so just be aware that your posts apply.

    And now that the mods are starting to crack down I thought I would bring this up too.
    Your second post, although it isn't spam it may be the sort of post that you would get a warning for only because of the fact that you didn't add anything extra relating to the topic of the thread but don't fret just yet you still are new so you you have a bit of leeway there.
  14. Hello my new adoptee how are you?
  15. Hi! I'm your new adoptee
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15