Conversation Between Xeim and Zardoch

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Okaaaaay. I just have to finish the mental battle I'm having with myself over my character.... and then make everyone else get to it. Yeah.

    Then I have to figure out what me and Orichalcum's subforum would like to do. Mhm.
  2. Factions are opened. It's time for everyone to begin. Grab your soldiers.
  3. Good. I'll be putting up the first thread for the start of factions tonight.
  4. I just wanted to let you know I have not abandoned factions. I'm currently working on a character, but he is currently at a stage of unnecessary ramblings, and I'll take forever working out his skills, weapons, accessories, etc.

    And yes, he's a guy. So no, you can't ask him for animal cosplay either. Because I doubt you'd be into that. I also know that this means all the noobs will think I'm a guy, but that'll just make me laugh. It's worth it. =3
  5. You've been approved, so yes.
  6. Okay, just making sure. ^_^

    Also, am I allowed to ask Andromeda for a subforum at this point, or do I wait until things have gotten going more? I'm assuming I can, I just like double checking for double checking's sake.
  7. I do know about it and have asked Fuzz to edit it. He hasn't.
  8. "Factions OOC: Well-known academy of Ivalice."

    You probably already know this. I thought I'd point it out because it makes me giggle.

    Yes, giggle.
  9. Okay, will do right now. ^^
  10. You can post your faction information in the registration thread now, though I added something else that should be easily accomplished.
  11. I know you're gone, but if you catch this by any chance, would you like to help me revive factions? I need a couple people. Contact me as soon as possible.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11