Conversation Between Azuteor and Unknown Entity

77 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh gosh. That's the time I usually sleep!
    My girlfriend and I procrastinated on studying for this exam so we'll have to suffer for it no matter what. Good thing we get to drop one exam. x_x I usually do well on the other exams but the first one. Lol, thanks Unknown and no sweat!
  2. 3:35am. ^^;

    Ouchies! That's an exam paper and a dozen. I have my fingers crossed for you!
    I'll stop pestering you for tonight so you can concentrate! XD
  3. Lol, what time is it there?

    I should be focused, but I'm too distracted. Ick. I'm studying for Anatomy and Physiology II. A lot of stuff to study. Ridiculous!
  4. Good good. Should be sleeping, but thought browsing my favourite forum would be a touch more fun.

    Good luck for tomorrow! What's the exam on?
  5. Haha, sorry!

    I'm doing alright. I'm just studying for an exam tomorrow. ><;; You?
  6. Rawr?! Flowers, they're gooone. ;-;

    How're you? xD
  7. I dun think it matters. I'd still buy a boyfriend flowers.

    It might work as a hint and make them get me some. ^^;
  8. Flowers make the man. xD Haha.
  9. Hehe, thankies. <3

    I still love you for the flowers on your profile. So pretty. ^_^
  10. I love you for having Dead Space on you. <3
  11. xD Up to you!
  12. Indeed you is. =]

    How would you like me to call you over?
  13. You can rest assure that I won't do such a thing! I'm a high class gentleman!

    Great!! Make sure to call me over to the bar as soon as the ball begins!
  14. Assassinate Sheena, and I will cry and be very angry.

    You can guarantee it'll be the best drink you ever taste. ^^
  15. Well snap! I shall go assassinate Sheena!

    Thank you anyways! I shall see you there then. Make sure the drink is a good one.
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