Conversation Between Trunks and Meier Link

11 Visitor Messages

  1. 'Grats on the hours, man. I need more hours from my job. At the moment I'm on a measly 25 hour contract. No where near the hours I wanted. the stor has had massive cutbacks. Glad to hear about the kids too, bro. Be sad times if they were shrinking.

    I'm awesome my man. Tired and pretty pissed at my recent DLC downloads but life is pretty sweet. Can't complain. Planning a few holidays so that should keep me smiling. You got much planned?
  2. Pretty good. Started my new job last week and now and on mandatory 56+ hours a week haha. Kids are doing great and getting bigger by the day. How about yourself?
  3. Long time, no speak. How're you bro and how're the kids?
  4. Yeah, decided to stop being an A and drop by. I've been good. Yourself? Much been going on around this place?

    Ice and snow? Could be worse, could be a heat-wave. We had a snowstorm where I live a couple of weeks ago. It was bad.
  5. They are going alright just cold as heck right now and a little on the snow side mixed with a lot of ice. Other then that things are great.

    How have you been? It has been a long time.
  6. S'up bro?

    How are thingsin the big country?
  7. Accepted it, bro.
  8. Sent you an invite a few minutes ago.
  9. Yeah it makes for a nice "live chat" type deal seeing we don't have a chat / spam thread anymore.

    Also there is alot that happens behind the scenes in the user groups. There are quite a few of them out there, they are good way to get to know some people.
  10. It's so obvious now. I guess just clicking your name and pressing 'Send private message' kept me from finding this much more convenient way to talk.
  11. VMs are visitor messages, conveniantly located on your profile page. We also have user notes but are rarely used.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11