Conversation Between GypsyElder and Freya

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks Freya ! <3333!!

  2. Happy happy biiirthday, Gypsy-dear!
    I hope you have/had a special day and got loooots of presents
  3. YES YES and YES (and thanks for inviting me to the most awesome social group on TFF! =D)! ^__^
    So when will it take place? Any time is okay with me. I have lots of free time. Just have to go to my brother's place on saturday. But that'll be in the afternoon. :>
  4. Would you like to participate in a PRK9 msn slumber party?

    EDIT: Also, I added you to PRK9. I thought you were already in it to be honest hahah

    I don't think you can post in the public club thread yet, I'll have to ask Andro.
  5. I think I added you. lol
  6. Okay, so now I think I added you - I used the Messenger in the internet. I hope it worked. O.o Somehow that website really is strange...

    And I hope you're at home now. .-.
  7. Yay!

    I can't wait until I go home either >_>; I'm siting in a junk pile until they finish fixing our appt. So yeah..
  8. I'm (again XD) not at my place at the moment. But as soon as I get home (tomorrow in the evening or Monday evening), I'll add you. *_*~~ *can't wait for that moment to come*
  9. Ps you should add me on msn so we can have gay time, girly, ultimate msn sleepovers

    [email protected]
  10. HMM weell, normally yes. But for you I'll make an exception
  11. So... I saw the TFF-MSN-social group and thought about joining, but it seems I have to be invited...? And you're the leader of that group, so.... basically, I have to beg on my knees in front of YOU to get in there?
  12. Heheeeeeee.

  13. OH MY GOSH! XD
    That's awesome! XD

  14. Hahaha. You're welcome XD I thought it was cool too, I found it by accident.
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