Conversation Between Benjisan and ChloChloAriadne

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, can i please ask for your vote in Best New Member? I would really appreciate it
  2. Haha oh okies thats fair enough. Wow you are like the first girl i know who isn't in love with Edward Cullen. Kudos to you
  3. Ew. No way I'd go to it, I didn't even want to go to the first. Got guilted in by Cillah. I don't even like the books... Worst crap written for a while.
  4. Aw really thats a shame

    If they make a movie for the second book hopefully it will be better then
  5. Load. Of. Shit.
  6. Yeah not much, just being bored at home. Just thought i would say hi since we met at the cinemas. How was Twilight did you enjoy it?
  7. Not much, and with you?
  8. Howdy, whats doin?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8