Conversation Between Diyala and Asectic

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  1. I haven't talked to you in a while , how have you been?
  2. Whew! Thank god. 'Cause if it was long I didn't think I'd have the time. But I'll watch them. Sounds interesting!
  3. Exactly ! enchanted into the violin . It wasn't as amazing as the set I gave you but it was kinda different since it's about music . True , these animes (monster...etc) aren't that long don't worry in fact I hate it when it is so long as much as I hate it when it's only 13 episodes . Most animes with this short length are with no value or message to give .
    Ghost hunt 25 episodes
    Blood+ 50
    Monster 70
  4. La corda? You mean the one where the heroine is enchanted into playing the magical violin?
    Monster, blood+ and Hunt is not long as Bleach are they?
    Same! I reread it for the second time... gave up after 100 chapters XD I'm rereading Prince of Tennis. The match scenes are not that long when you zoom by them.
  5. Woow I love Rave Master too ^^ Eile and Haru are soo interesting but I stopped at some episodes donno may be got bored when it comes to battles and fighting (the same reason i hated bleach) but I will sure try to push myself to see the ending ^_*
    well my favorit ones are those of mystery ,adventure , horror , slice of life , history ,tragedy , romance and drama genres . Under these titles I can tell Ruruni Kenshi ,Rave master , Blood+ , Ghost Hunt , Monster ,Honey and clover , Emma .La corda
    I also like comedy like Lovely complex , Skip beat , Oran high school
    But to me ,If you haven't seen these three ones(Monster , blood + , Ghost Hunt ) you will miss alot believe me
  6. I never really understood One Piece. I tried watching/reading it, I got bored because of the bad animation.
    I love Bleach though. Allthough I stopped around the 200s because - too long XD

    Watched or read... okay, here goes:
    Gundam Seed, Code Geass, Fairy Tail, Rave Master, Dengeki Daisy, Elfen Lied, Ouran High school host club, Shugo chara, Mew mew, Naruto, Inuyasha, .... there's more but that's all I can think of right now.
    Which one was your absolute favorite? Like something you can't forget about.
  7. Naruto isn't really my best anime , I onley watched few episodes though the series seems loveable !I just liked the night sky with stars
    There are always these animes that you think they're good to watch but the number of their countless episodes would stop you as you become lazy through the episodes . This also happened to me with one peice and Bleach as well .
    What animes did you watch so far ? I know countless just like me but I thought we might have something in common
  8. It's really pretty. It sorta puts me on half-flower and half- ... well, name.

    Woah you're right. The guy's on the international scale. I got to find him the next time I'm in the library. Philosophical huh? Then it's a good thing that I have to study it this semester.

    I guess I forgot to mention, James Patterson also uses an odd writing style. Unlike Coelho he uses the direct and point-blank approach. His chapters are 1-2 pages long but in turn there's enough of them to fill up a book.

    NARUTO!!! I just love that series, it's unique and not to mention hilarious XD
  9. Yea ...see ^^
    What do think of ma new name
  10. I will try to search for them anyway , no problem to read about some magical stuff as I believe in its existence .
    There is a novel I really wish to catch as the book is away from my fist right now but my sis really loved it , I almost have most of his books (Paulo Coelho) :
    Veronika Decides to Die was several times recommended to me and now for you as well.
    Other books of him like:
    The Alchemist <<this one has hug fans and is almost the reason behind his fame.
    And The Fifth Mountain .
    Not everyone likes his style by the way coz he is too much into philosophy and more symbolic in defining some aspects of life .Still he includes his short sentences so many diverse meanings that would make his style really worthwhile and somehow different !
  11. omg! you changed your name!
    Wow, I really fail at this kind of stuff D:
  12. Well lately I've been rather on the magic side. You don't necessarily have to read what I rec you. But the books I recommend are:
    -Maximum Ride: Angel Experiment by James Patterson
    -The Alchymist by Michael Scott
    And just for kicks
    -Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan
    That one I found the story was draggy sometimes but it gave me some great laughs here and there.
    What about you? Any books I should hitch up on? I just finished the latest one I was reading and I need ideas :3
  13. I would read anything you might think is worth reading , though I have my favorit genre , but you can give names of books you lately read .
  14. I'm not sure. What types or genre do you prefer?
  15. I never went to the book store to look for something that would make me laugh, though it won't be a bad idea my little sister got a book for jokes ^^ it's pretty funny specially when I'm bored or sometimes before sleeping I ask my little niece to read me some ^_^
    What books do you recommend that is worht reading ?
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