Conversation Between Vogue Star and Michael Swayne

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks
  2. I would never even think to do that. I think there is a tattoo thread here on TFF. I know that there is one active right now. There was one active when I first joined, as well. The thread showed pictures of their Final Fantasy tattoos. I will VM you the link when I find it (the old one, not the one that's active now).
  3. Aw, how very apt! I love moogles so much I know a couple of people that have amazing moogle tattoos... I want one too
  4. Yep! I have gone through a few of them. I started out with Sailor Mercury, then a gray chocobo, and now Stiltzkin. I chose him because I work at a newspaper (as a writer and carrier). Since I deliver newspapers and he delivers mail (slowly), it was a perfect match!
  5. Ah, I see I love your avatar btw. Is it little Stiltskin?
  6. No problem. I knew I had forgotten to do something after I got my computer fixed. You see, back when I started Flock of Noobies, I went through the member list and asked every person that had joined in the last 30 days or so (this was in March or April). seanb helped me out while I was gone, so I didn't think to go through the list again and ask members that may have slipped through the cracks.
  7. Thank you
  8. Sure, would you like me to send you an invite? I think you can join yourself. The last time I checked it was open.
  9. Hey Michael Just wondering if I can join your Flock of Noobies?? I've been posting here and there for a while, but I'm still new
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10