Conversation Between Clint and Kyreaan

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. No, I didn't, but I appreciate characters that emulate the spirit of the West. I emulated it for years. It's part of who I am now.
  2. I saw Rango. There was a character called the Spirit of the West. He looked just like you, but it was a different voice actor. Did you see it?
  3. Well thank you very much. I'm trying to get my dysentery problem under control, but I think I may have intestinal cancer or something, because it's really bad. Oh well. I'm old. I should be dead in about 75 years or so, so I don't have that much longer to worry about it.
  4. I'm going to go ahead and make it into a thread.
  5. I heard about that soccer team that crashed in Chile a while back and were forced to eat the dead to survive. I don't blame them, but cannibalism is disgusting.

    What's there to study in Antarctica? It's just an area of the world that's so barren and miserable that nobody ever wanted to live there. There's nothing there but ice and penguins.
  6. True. There's something that could be said on foresight. It was probably US History. In modern times, the same situation has still happened. People resulted in eating their own after passing in order to survive after a plane crash into an arctic zone.

    I would like to someday visit Antarctica. There are many different areas of study down/up there.
  7. Oh, I'm talking the first Mega Man. The O'G. The one that took crazy time to finish. One of my first series in video games, I hated it when I had to place the cartridge in the first Nintendo over and over just to get it to work. There was a different version where you place it into the top.

    I suppose Mega Man could 'plunder' one of the abilites from Mega Man 5. That way finding the gold would be a piece of cake. Oh, I'll let you know and let my whole XIV group know if I ever go Mega Man on Final Fantasy XIV. Rush just might show up on a XIV server.
  8. Does Bill Carson Eastwood/Mega Man know where the gold is? And are we talking Mega Man model X? Model Z? Model ZX?
  9. Kyreaan: If you would take a moment to think about it, if you can't find the name of Bill Carson, it could be an option of naming the boy, Bill Carson Eastwood. Then, he would be gifted with the spirit of Johnny, the blood of a gypsy, and the attitude of a gun slinger. You would basically watch as Mega Man came out.

    Spiritas: Ah Hahaha Hah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *hic*. Yea. It would be a Mega Man baby.
  10. Hulk is a real American, and me being the patriot that I am, I figured that I should represent him.
  11. So, what's been new? Now, Hulk?
  12. I got it. The vacuum tube in my head lit up, and it occured to me. I'm going to put Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion.
  13. Ah, sorry. I couldn't think of anything besides Johnny and June, either.
  14. I was going to put Johnny Cash and June Carter, but you beat me to it. I can't think of anything now.
  15. Oh hey, man, it is your birthday today, isn't it? Well happy birthday, old man.
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