Conversation Between Clint and Angel of Iniquity

65 Visitor Messages

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  1. No, users are abusers. They abuse drugs for the high. Addiction is a disease, however, and does not make the user pathetic or weak-minded.

    And no, they aren't good only when people are authorized to use them. The drugs are illegal. Only rarely will the use of illegal drugs be authorized. Effects of the drugs are positive when people choose to use them right.
  2. I understand that, but do users use them for them reasons?
    No, which means that there is no positive use for the users, only thoughts who are authorized to use them making the drug legal for them. Am I correct?

    Hold on. You guys think I think I am above you guys? *laughs horribly bad*
    Where in gods name did you get that Idea.
  3. Marijuana can halt the progress of glaucoma and combat nausea caused by chemotherapy or prescription drugs.

    Alcohol in moderation lessens the risk of heart disease.

    Heroin is the only painkiller effective for certain terminal diseases including cancers.

    Ecstasy has shown promise for treating some psychological problems.

    Cocaine is used as a topical anesthetic for eye and ear surgery. It is also used in a concoction called Brompton's Cocktail, which is used to reduce pain and induce euphoria in terminally ill cancer patients.
  4. Quote
    Marijuana smokers may develop many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, including chronic cough with phlegm and chronic bronchitis. Long-term use of smoked marijuana may injure or destroy lung tissue. Marijuana smokers inhale many times more carbon monoxide and tar than do tobacco smokers, possibly because marijuana joints are usually unfiltered.
    Marijuana increases blood pressure and heart rate, especially when combined with cocaine.
    Use of marijuana may impair important cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and learning. Research on marijuana use among young people shows lower achievement than among non-users.
    A mother may pass THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, to her children through breast milk. Additionally, some children of women who use marijuana have low birth weight.

    Anyways, what is healthy and what injures oneself varies highly.
    Nobody will take a drug to cause positive overall body effects. Inorder to take enough Coke to cause effects, you are taking enough to hurt yourself.
  5. How is any illegal drug healthy in any sense, you ask? One word; marijuana.

    Cocaine and heroin even have their benefits, but again, it depends on the dose.
  6. Now. Lets bring up some drugs.
    How is any illegal drug healthy in any sense?
    Alcoholic drunkenness is due to your liver not being able to remove as much alcohol as it can distill.
    While I wish I can explain it properly...
    "Short-term effects of alcohol on the human body can take many forms. The drug alcohol, specifically ethanol, is a central nervous system depressant with a range of side effects. The amount and circumstances of consumption play a large part in determining the extent of intoxication; for example, consuming alcohol after a heavy meal causes alcohol to absorb more slowly.[1] Hydration also plays a role, especially in determining the extent of hangovers.[2] The concentration of alcohol in blood is usually measured in terms of the blood alcohol content.Cell membranes are highly permeable to alcohol, so once alcohol is in the bloodstream it can diffuse into nearly every biological tissue of the body. After excessive drinking, unconsciousness can occur and extreme levels of consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning and death (a concentration in the blood stream of 0.40% will kill half of those affected[3][4]). Death can also occur through asphyxiation by vomit. Alcohol is an addictive drug that can greatly exacerbate sleep problems. During abstinence, residual disruptions in sleep regularity and sleep patterns[clarification needed] are the greatest predictors of relapse.[5]"
  7. Drugs only produce a negative effect if you exceed the toxicity of the drug for repeated exposures. Overall, most drugs aren't even toxic. Most drugs just make you feel better. That relieves stress, which in turn, positively affects cardiovascular activity, which is very beneficial to one's health.

    Everything is toxic in large enough doses. Take water, for instance. If you drink too much water, you'll literally drown your cells, which will kill you. At least if you drink enough alcohol, you'll pass out and vomit it up the next morning.
  8. Okay then, let us discuss this WITHOUT INSULTS TO EACH OTHER!

    Why would somebody take drugs?
    To feel better, which in point do not think about the negative effects which can immediatly bring into their mental status. If they know about the effects than they can be pointed as stubborn. If they don't care, then they must be desperate enough to change their immediate mood, correct? Now, is that not the smartest thing to do?

    Drinking. I don't know who drinks to drink, but if you do, that's great, however...
    Why would somebody drink to get drunk? *points to drug statements*
  9. If you post an opinion as ridiculous as "everybody who takes drugs is pathetic and stupid," then yes, I have to comment on it. If you make your opinions public, they're free game to anybody who wishes to comment.
  10. ... okay? Was there any meaning to that?
    It takes respect to gain respect.
    You either hate my opinions or like them, but it doesn't mean you have to comment on them, am I correct?
  11. The term "piece of work" indicates a person who is difficult to get along with. I didn't want to offend you, so I replaced my original insult with a cliche.
  12. Okay? lol
    How so?
  13. You're a real piece of work.
  14. No problem, boss.
  15. Don't talk to me and don't respond to this,
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