Conversation Between Violet and OceanEyes28

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh of course! I just haven't been around on TFF lately ><. I'll go say hi now, lol.
  2. Insufficient Mage lives in California (and is new to the forum). Go say hi? Talk about California? (I don't think I made it up that you live there too )
  3. Happy Birthday, Ally!!!
  4. Lol >< It just goes to show that I can be a lazy reader. I looked at the thread at first, and I didn't see the mention of a 17+ in Neo's post.. then I looked at Cain's post on the last page
  5. Haha aw (in response to SC thread).

    At least you didn't make a thread in the mod forum asking why a sig image wasn't working, only to discover the answer was very obvious. *looks around at other staff members*

    Being silly on a forum is like being naked in a shower.
  6. Thanks Ali
  7. Happy birthday, pretty lady!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7