Conversation Between Taco-Calamitous and Aerif

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. A streak of shamelessness.
  2. Ha. Yes you did. No shame.
  3. Oh crumbs, I actually sent that? I thought I dreamt it.
  4. I lol'd
  5. I gotcha.
  6. This is where the secret was, then it went away. I'm sneaky like that.
  7. Buh?
  8. My hero <3
  9. Still at Uni, exams next week, and then off until January. Mid-January finding out about a placement application and in late January participating in Global Gamejam.

    Busy times. Fun Stuff.
  10. Btw, how is life? You going to Uni now? Or are you working? Fun stuff?
  11. He gonna get it!
  12. If you've reserved the right to punch him, give him a kick from me.

    Not too hard a kick that you do some damage, but he needs to be in a limping state for at least 5 minutes.
  13. As I turned off the computer last night, I realized, "No, he's Aerif with an 'F.'" It was too late, though.

    You should've gone to New Zealand to punch him. I have a trip planned for that, myself.
  14. Aerif.

    It was that Alpha, he's mean. I ripped off his name to follow suit.
  15. You are Aerith. I've been doing the snooping. TY. Sorry people stole your avy.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 41
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