Conversation Between Ernest and GHOSTED

3 Visitor Messages

  1. He only killed Bob sheldon, the socs who beat the **** out of him before. Which is what makes it appear as premeditaded murder...and I have seen the movie...not all of it.

  2. Yeah. What he did was initially in self defense, and to save Ponyboy, but it was really excessive. I think I remember that he killed 4 or so. I doubt that was necessarry.

    But in a defense of court, they could use his rescue of the children from the fire as a character reference, and the fact that he'd been beaten up, his friend being drowned and that he's a minor to get the sentence maybe to 10 years. Possibly less.

    Even though they seemingly deserved it, he snuffed out the lives of 4 people.

    Have you read any of S.E Hilton's other books, or seen The Outsiders movie?
  3. Seeing as you Read the outsiders, if johnny lived, do you think he should have been found guilty?
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