Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and Walter Sobchak

101 Visitor Messages

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  1. Just remember: the audience can tell whether the song has soul or is merely a sad attempt at it. Also, female musicians have bigger audiences proportionate to the amount of clothes they don't wear.
  2. James, James, James. I'm good. Preparing for a move, writing and playing music, and enjoying life outside of MSN chatrooms. You?
  3. Alisyn, Alisyn, Alisyn. How are you?
  4. I will not let you derail my thread, Arkansanian.
  5. Haha. I can close the thread.
  6. Could you close the thread and/or ban Silver?
  7. Can you ban Locke4God for me?
  8. Are you quoting a song I am unfamiliar with?
  9. Will you keep out all the sadness?
  10. Haha. Oh, you.
  11. Well, it was on the beach, so I was looking out for other people. Also, I had to sell her for fifteen minutes to take her panties off after I got everything else, then I had to put the condom on, etcetera. I apologized, but I blame her.
  12. Ooooh that sucks. Seems odd that you'd get stage fright at this point, but stranger things have happened.
  13. WELL. I almost had sex last night but I couldn't get it up. Other than that, fantastic.
  14. Lip is totally his thing. Haha. I am busy and have moments when I succumb to feeling stressed out, but for the most part, I'm doing well. How are YOU?
  15. Daniel was trying to get me to take his tickets, but he gives me far too much lip. Also, how ARE you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 101
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