Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and Dragoon_Nick

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. Man, you should have told me ahead of time, I would have given you a sleeping bag.
  2. This little box is a rather nice place to settle...i guess i'll crash in this white box for the night...
  3. Oh Jesus, Nick!
  4. Zomg ally!
  5. Whatever floats the queen of the south eh?
  6. Um. Cotton candy in milkshakes?
  7. Cotton candy and milkshakes
  8. Don't talk to me about wacky and then suggest buying me with nickels! Kettles don't like when pots call them black.

  9. If i had a nickel for every time Alisyn said something wacky, i would legally buy you and make you my wacky thing speaker...

    No wait...that's actually pointless...
  10. But Canada is cold!

    (I am so slow at replying to these... I am ashamed...)
  11. Thanks, but it would have been better to drink with person!

    Just come to Canadia!
  12. PFFFFFFFT. I sleep FINE. FINE. With your soul.

    Speaking of you, happy birthday! You and I both will consume alchy this evening. I will have a drink in your honor.
  13. Admit Nick is better than you, only then can you proceed to sleep well at night..

    haha..sleep with my soul! XD
  14. You, sir: "So.....How's my soul?"

    It just took me a bit to respond.
  15. what is?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 36
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