Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Dodie16

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  1. Maybe. I'm still around because I don't have much else to do.

    It's so dead because forums in general are slowly dying... Thanks to Facebook, Reddit and the -chans, smaller forums get very little activity.
  2. Should I start posting here again?

  3. Half of you who voted didn't even like FF VII. It's okay though. I got my victory when Zexion won the Org. XIII elimination thread. :3

    I'd go back, but I haven't got the cash to pay for it, and I don't even know what I wanna do with my life either. :/ Ah well. Maybe someday I'll have some sort of wonderful epiphany, and everything will just come together.

    Touché, my friend.
  4. And our crazy dog? xD No, he needed to be eliminated! We all knew that Zack was the better character and we were just showing our support for him.

    Maybe? We go straight into university after college! xD I always wonder why it is! Thanks a lot! I bet you'd do really well if you just went back to college, Miss Dropout. =D

    You talk about barely taking care of yourself then insult our fine English cooking! xD Just because everything we have isn't deep-fried.
  5. It wouldn't hurt so much if Seph wasn't in the lead before you all started your attack. Darn you meddlin' kids!

    Oh yeah. I guess college where you are is the same as our high school here? Where do you go after that? And it's okay to toot your own horn, especially since you've already put in the work to learn your way around Photoshop. And it'd be an easy grade for you too. x3

    I dunno about other ladies here, but I know that I definitely don't want kids for a long, loooong time. I can barely take care of myself. Well, you're British. You're not expected to cook good food. /trollface
  6. Oh, please. If you would have just allowed the guy to die easier, it would have been over ages before all the pain and torment ensued. It was like euthanasia but you decided to keep him on life support. xD You know you loved every minute of it, really. =D

    Not really! It's perfectly routine for a 16 year old to go to college here! I've already chosen a course in Creative Media Development (Games Design)! You should have seen one of my tutors when we were making textures on Photoshop. I don't think he'd ever seen someone complete the task he set 5 minutes into the lesson. I may seem like I'm being big-headed, but I just thought his look was priceless. xD Thanks so much, Dodie! And you still do rather well, considering!

    Many, many children? I thought all the women around here hate the thought of having children. And others are bi or lesbian. (Not that I have anything against that.) Follow the recipe? But, I seem to and it still burns! Burns like my stomach after eating the food I just made.
  7. Wait, wait, wait... The torment I put YOU through? I do believe it was the other way around, young man. Alther and I fought to keep Seph in the game 'til the bitter end, all the while you and others were whittling away at his points. 'Twas a dark day indeed, and here you are bringing up those painful memories!

    College, eh? You all grow up so fast. :') What are you studying? Or have you even decided yet? I think you would do really well with some sort of graphic design courses, as you have a LOT of talent with that already. You should do whatever you feel you would enjoy though. ^^ Best of luck to ya! (don't become a dropout like me.... ^^; )

    I know you didn't. I was just joshin' with ya~ I actually didn't know that, but I will keep that in mind for when I find a man to marry, and bear his many, many children. Cooking is easy. Just follow the recipe.
  8. T'aww, I guess I should let on more then! As you know, I'm the kindest soul to every grace the land known as TFF. It's really nice to know that you're okay! ^_^ You should feel special! Don't think I'll ever forget the torment you put me through with the FF7 Elimination Thread and the improvement I made to my grammatical structuring by following your example! <3 Oh, and I'm in college now!

    Oh, ha de haa ha! You totally know that I didn't mean to sound sexist! (I did.) Do you also talk about how you can get feet reduction surgery so you can stand closer to the oven and all that jazz? I wish I could cook actually. xD
  9. I check FB occasionally, but I only comment if I can be witty/troll a little, which, as you can imagine, is not very often. I am doing alright. D'awww~ Me and Ralz are your anchor to this place. :3 I feel so very special!

    There is more to a woman than her lady bits, my good sir. We also talk about how to make delicious sammiches, and how best to stand barefoot in the kitchen.
  10. Oh, they are! We have each other on Facebook for goodness sake! Do you ever check it anymore? xD <3 I hope you're doing well also! And I've only been coming for Ralz but I thought a bit of Dodie was missing from my life. xD

    Hey, I don't think we did half-bad though! =D Yeah, you do. About your lady-parts and such and such.
  11. It has been too long! Good to see you occasionally visit the site, sir! Hope things are good irl for you~ ^^

    You think so? I'd say it was just about the same. Girls do tend to ramble though. xD
  12. It's been a while! And I see you've met Gummy and by GOD, there's a lot of text! xD

    More than we used to type, I'd say! xD

  14. Okay, I sent you an invite. ^^

    Eh... Nothing too special has been happening really. Just doing a bit of art, playing a few games here and there, and maybe watching a movie when I'm bored. Such is my life though.

    That team sounds awesome~ And yeah, you would totally own me in a match. Have you played as Deadpool any? I imagine a lot of people would have him on their team.
  15. I KNEW IT! You cheater! I will forever call you cheater now! xD

    Oh, totally! My email is [email protected]. I thought every 15 year old computer geek used MSN. xD

    You've got to tell me about your week~! Tell me about how amazing it is! I'll totally wipe you out with my team of Dante, Ammy and Wesker! It's a team you just want to drool at. <3
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