Conversation Between Rocky and Lunasa

10 Visitor Messages

  1. happy birthdizzay
  2. I've been alright. My family's house burned down about 3 months ago but we are moving back in over the weekend. School's wrapping up next week so I'm pretty excited for that as well. Work's been the same. Girl's are flaky for the most part too.

    What's new with you?
  3. ROCKY! I've been lurking a bit... Heh... My MSN's been schmucked up too so I haven't been around much between that and school. How've ya been?
  4. ello love
  5. doing good! I've set up my college schedule in a way so I have no school on fridays, so I just got done working out and now I'll probably do some homework before I go to work. How did your summer go, and how's school treatin ya? It's been awhile.
  6. ...*entertains* How are you?
  7. entertain me monkey
  8. Be my friend or I will kidnap your moose.
  9. ;-)

    I'm great, and happy to see you on. I hope you're faring well.
  10. With our combined gene pool, we would most definitely have the awesomest kids that would take over the world and make it a better place.

    How are you doing these days?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10