Conversation Between lady ashe and Illusion

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. ah! ive given up on larsa... i cant capture him cuz he turned to vaan. damn him. heh...
    and hi!!! im back!!!
  2. Alright, but you have your right to like it.

    You're willing to kidnap a guy because he looks cute. . .I think that's pretty bad, haha.
  3. no, i realised that, in the top 5 hated

    a bad side, whateva do you mean?
  4. Most guys probably don't...

    Now I know you have a bad side, haha.
  5. well, who doesnt? larsa solidor is amzing and adorably cute
    nooooo!!!!!!!!!! it shall be a surpise. and yes i willmost likely kidnap him though Basch will be on my back
  6. Yes, you do like him, that much is obvious, haha.

    You know, I feel the need to warn Larsa about might either kidnap him or suffocate him from hugging.
  7. yeah, well you know...
    ahaha... well i am a girl and i love larsa.
    and yes larsa is a twelve year old and is now my age, meaning if i eva get transported to ivalice i will seek him out
  8. Well, I hate to say it, but I guess you'll just have to get used to him.

    Lol, you sound so girly when you said that.
    I didn't know he was 12...seriously??? I thought he was much older than that.
  9. course not, not until i suck at it, which i wont...
    hes sooooooooooooo cute and im a girl so i like cute things. hes also really wise for a twelve year old
  10. So is he really just never going to let it go then? That's just sad.

    I could definitely be doing better, but I suppose I should just keep working on my stuff.

    Why do you like Larsa so much?
  11. i really dont think so... he just cant face that im better than him at final fantasy and kingdom hearts
    meh... ok i guess, you?
  12. Four years difference, then? Not bad, thats a good difference.
    Just ignore your brother, once he sees that he can't bother you, he'll stop wasting his time.

    How are you doing today?
  13. my brother is soon to be 20, as i am soon to be 16. nope, he is hopeless, just cuz he cant beat it, still.
    ok, thant should be fun
    i can wait yeah
  14. How old did you say your brother was? If you are 15 right now and that happened when you were 3, that's been 12 years since then. And he still won't let go of it?

    haha, alright, I'll be your second online brother, so I guess you'll have two now.

    You might have to wait on me getting a facebook a bit, alright? I have a lot of stuff to do right now...
  15. i was 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hey, Squall's my facebook brother and i havent met him in real life. to me a stranger is someone youve never spoken to, someone you dont feel close to... i think weve bonded a bit
    nah, i dont msn, you should get facebook
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