Conversation Between Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3 and Meier Link

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I understnd , but i think that's a bit stupid (No offence to anyone) cause it would get more threads if there was an actual forum, just my thoughts anyway. . .
  2. The staff has had multiple talks on this issue and at this moment we have deemed that there is not enough threads to justify Disidia having it's own forum. I could bring it up again but more then likely it would come down to the same results.

    Until it gains more of bearing on the forum it will more then likely stay in general FF.
  3. Hey, could you contact anyone and ask them if they could add Dissidia Final Fantasy to the Game Room section? Thanks. . .
  4. As long as someone posts inbetween your posts you are fine no matter what the situation is, as long as you are not spamming. There is also the option to delete an accidental double post. You can do this by using the edit button. There will be an option to delete message.

    Also it doesn't say "moo" it says mod, which is short for moderator.
  5. You can post more then once on a subject you just can not do it consecutively. There is an edit button at the bottom of everyone one of your posts. If you feel the need to add more content you should edit it in instead of posting again directly after you have just posted. There is only a few places double posting / multiposting is acceptable. If you wish to know where those are I suggest checking out the forum rules.

    Also if you want to have a direct conversation with someone using VMs click the "view conversation" button and then type in the text field. This sends your response directly to the intended members profile. (sort of like wall to wall on face book)
  6. There is no use for HP as of now unless you want to use it in an RP or something.

    Also the reason I came to your profile page: please avoid double posting or triple posting in the future, it is a huge forum no no .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6