Conversation Between Michael Swayne and Diamond Dust

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Okay.
  2. Just don't forget to remove your card details from the device if you ever sell it on or you'll end up with some cheeky bastard spending £120 on titles that you never even wanted and unable to get a refund due to Sony's ridiculous terms of service policy.
  3. Okay, thanks! I will seriously look into that.
  4. Yeah, it's a proper port of the original game - probably with some smoothing on the graphics too, but then that might just be down to the resolution on the screen. I had FF9 on PSP and it worked like a dream. It was fantastic to have it on the go. I know you can pick up the older PSP models now for relatively inexpensive prices - and given too the upcoming release of the NGP the prices are going to go down further.

    I might be wrong but I'm sure the PS2 doesn't support the PSN store.
  5. The manual that came with my PS2 said it was compatible with DLC and PSN. It might have been a typo, though. I have thought of getting a PSP, it is just that I have never had the money for it. I try and save up, but normally when I am close to the amount, something comes up and there goes my gaming funds. Is the Downloaded version the same as the console version?
  6. PS2? Just to clarify. I didn't realise the PSN store ran through that.

    Yard sales/carboots are absolutely brilliant when you find just what you're looking for but the odds are it's never there though I also got my copy of FFVIII from one minus the manual sadly.

    Might I suggest you get a PSP and download the titles you want through the PSN on that. You can have them on the go that way.
  7. Iam from Ohio, USA. And yes, it is an original that I am looking for. Mainly, because I have one of the slim model PS2s, and they aren't known to be DLC friendly. Also, i have only had Internet at my house for two weeks, so I am still learning the ropes of PSN.

    I already have VIII (Greatest Hits) and two copies of IX (both greatest hits versions). I bought my first copy of 9 used at a yard sale, but it wasn't worth the three dollars I paid for it. That's why I had to get a new copy.
  8. I never got around to playing DoC as it just seemed too disconnected from FFVII (or at least the gameplay style anyway). Little I would know about the story after all.

    As for obtaining a copy of FFVII? Presumably it's an original you want otherwise you would probably have downloaded it? It's quite readily available to download and convert to disc as an ISO and run on a modded PS1 console OR run through a PS1 emulator on PC. The latter process can be a pain in the arse though (crashing and what not).

    I have an original copy of FFVIII for PS1 that I have been trying to swap for either 7 or 9 but to no avail (and no surprise to be honest).

    Where are you from?
  9. I have played 8. It's use of humans was okay, and the thought of SeeD Gardens churning out warriors for the planet was someone I hope we don't have to see in the near future. The Gardens do protect small towns from monsters, so I guess they have uses. Also, I like how it's Summoning system is directly linked with the characters development. To be able to control an entity like that and also be stronger because is a concept that I would certainly like to have.

    I have never played 7. Although, several months ago, Starz/Encore played Advent Children. I did watch it. And I own Dirge of Cerberus. DoC was very different than any FFs I had ever played, but it is definitely a game that must be played after the original. The manual gave a brief description of previous events, but it just wasn't enough to please me. I have looked all over for copies of FFVII, but everyone is asking for an arm and a leg...and a head for it. If you know anyone who is willing to lend it to me, I am all for a trade or almost anything.
  10. I suppose you live and learn though I don't think your efforts were in vain if it caused you to ultimately come to forums/websites like these and learn a lot more.

    Glad you're a fan of 9 - me too. There's something quite romantic about it and certainly brings back more nostalgia for me than any of the previous titles from the PS1 generation. Presumably you have played 7 and 8 though too? If so, what do you make of those?
  11. Well, I really like 9. Mainly because it was the first one that I had played. 10, because of the Sphere Grid and Aeon system. And 12, I think it is my favorite (as of right now, things can change). I like its story line and drama, the battle system is unique, and the characters have a more broad backstory than other FFs. It is also the one that I haven't beaten yet. I got to the final battle, and fought it for twelve hours straight. Afterwards, I got angry and deleted my Save File. If, I had known about this site, or even had Internet at the time, I could have saved a whole lot of frustration. I guess I was just four years too late, huh?

    What about you? Which one is your favorite?
  12. That makes perfect sense to me, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

    Which of the FF series are your favourites? (Cliche question I know given where we are, but suppose the conversation has to start rolling somewhere!).
  13. I was going through the list of members and saw that you are a generally new addition to TFF (as am I). I know that, for me, it is harder to become friends with someone who has had plenty of friends for an extended period of time. That is why i decided to focus on newer members. A next generation of sorts.
  14. Hello Michael,

    Thank you for the apparently random add/friend request.
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