Conversation Between RagnaToad and Taco-Calamitous

77 Visitor Messages

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  1. Because OBVIOUSLY everyone should know what that is. lol, I dunno why I read youtube comments sometimes...
  2. Haha just read that comment. I don't know where he gets the shaking meditation thing from or why he starts talking about 'ignorant Americans'.
  3. Shaking meditation. Interesting. Someone in the youtube comments is lamenting how ignorant Americans are for not knowing about it, heh...
  4. Why thank you. It's Thom Yorke's crazy moves in this videoclip.

    Radiohead - Lotus Flower - YouTube
  5. PS, I don't know what that animated gif in your sig is, but it's awesome.
  6. Thankee, sir
  7. Good luck, man!
  8. I'm goin' into the Air Force the Tuesday after this one.
  9. What's this 'basic training' you speak of? Are you in the army?
  10. Check out the link in my sig that says "Ska Bands?" (Sorry, I'm a bit distracted right now. Talk to me again if you want to ask about more.) Also, there's a band called Cellphish I don't think was covered there.
  11. I think I'd like being a Mod. I point out people's mistakes already anyway, hehe.

    Can you introduce me to some good ska bands?
  12. Yarp. Decided it'd be a good idea, seeing as I am online a lot anyway (which funnily enough was something I thought wouldn't be the case by this point in time...)
  13. You're a Mod again!
  14. Yessum. Everyone's Jarold.
  15. Jareld?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 77
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