Conversation Between Tezcat and Yoko

9 Visitor Messages

  1. I keep in touch with Emre, James and Chip via twitter and I see Nat and Nickie from time to time. Apart from that I guess I chat to a few people on msn but that's it really.
    I still visit sf ocassionally but there's nothing to do there, nothing to post anymore, it all gets posted straight away by Ben or Doug =p
  2. I keep in touch Mechwarrior and Zera mostly. Mainly because they're still apart of the RP. I talk to Kellen when he's available for conversation, and Val. I have Kenny on MSN and facebook. He should join this place.

    Everyone else kind of ran off. Sad. I liked Square. I'm always checking to see what's new, if anything. I really don't want to see that forum die. Meh, what can you do.

    Who do you keep in touch with?
  3. I was talking to habbs the other day on msn, asked if she still kept in touch with any other SFers and she led me here =p
    You still keep in touch with anyone (that's not already on here) ?
  4. I've been well. Been busy though.

    How did you find your way here?
  5. good thankyou, and you?
  6. How are ya?
  7. *poke* Oo
  8. DAN!!!!!! He lives!!!
  9. Aaaaaah!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9