Conversation Between tetsu346 and Meier Link

3 Visitor Messages

  1. oh sorry ill try to add more to my comments only if i can find them now lol
  2. You need to go back to each of the posts that you made in the ID forum and add more content. The rules are more strict in that area and you need to abide by them. Normally I would warn first and not make comments but seeing you are new I am giving you the chance to fix the mistakes.

    Also if you want to catch up on the ID rules (which are different from the main forum rules click here: The Final Fantasy Forums - Announcements in Forum : Intellectual Discussion

    There are 2 posts in that thread the second one pertains to ID.

    I will give you 48 hours to comply with this or I will delete all of the posts that do not fit the post limitations.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3