Conversation Between lady ashe and Squall

8 Visitor Messages

  1. ah... fun... i hate english weather i really do
  2. It's been nice out the past week or so. Occasional showers here and there, but nothing too serious.
  3. right now its quite sunny, but cold... how is it down there?
  4. Oh wow lol. How is England? I've never been out of the U.S. and I'd love to travel around Europe someday. And I'm from New Jersey xD
  5. im from dalmasca ((england)) you?
  6. Eh, I can't complain. Same old stuff, ya know? Where are you from?
  7. hehe welcomes and i am very well arigato, and you?
  8. Thanks for the friend request! How are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8