Conversation Between Chocobo_Lover17 and Assassin

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, do you like MATH??? I know,Its kind of a stupid question but just askin
  2. I'm sorry, I am usually really tired too, from work. I work closing shifts a lot.
  3. Just so tired coz have so much to do in school these dayz.
  4. pretty good, just woke up, how about you?
  5. So how was your day???????
  6. no problem. I understand.
  7. Sorry but i can't tell you. Not that i don't want to but can't. I hope u don't mind.
  8. Aww. I am sorry to hear that..where are you from?
  9. She came to visit. Now she went back to Canada
  10. oh? where is your cousin?
  11. Hahaha. Well i was just missing my sweet little cousin eternity.
  12. thank you! my day was really awesome. well..except for the part when I went to work..haha, how about you?
  13. Glad to meet you too. I know, every1 is really nice n welcoming over here. Hope you have a great time over here. So how waz your day???
  14. Your Welcome Great to meet you! I really am enjoying the forums. they are wonderful, so many nice like minded people here.
  15. Thanx for the friend request. So are you enjoying the forumz so far???
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15