Conversation Between nickness89 and Firefly

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Birthday FF Twin!
  2. Oh

    Eh,I am back in school and it is kinda hectic and stressful,but I'll be alright
  3. Defo would have been scary stuff

    I'm good, just a bit concerne at all the rioting in the UK, hope it doesn't spread up to Scotland

  4. Poopie! That would've been awesome are you? :]
  5. Aww unlucky!! I was born at 01:05am
  6. Lol Do you know what time you were born? That would be insane if we were born at the same time but 6 years difference xD O.o (I was born at 12:35 p.m.)
  7. Ahah omg! I never realised either

    I'm 6 years older ... that makes me feel old, even though 21 is still youth nowadays
  8. Omg,I just noticed something..we have the same birthday! Except you were born in '89 hehe ^^"
  9. Hello FF Twin! How are you? :]
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9