Conversation Between Hiromi Kikawada and Yesha

247 Visitor Messages

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  1. agfdsfhdgfsahgdfgahdfsahg HI? OAO. Orz Its been so long... I've been busy ... o.o
  2. Nah.. you just have to give me your e-maiL add. then I can send my recordings to you.. *simpLe*
  3. I dont mind. :3
    Ok. XD If you dont mind that i hear your voice. :3

    So how do i e-mail add you? OwO. i just send you email?
  4. Yeah.. I'LL attach it.. then you downLoad it.. but.. just don't mind it, if you don't Like..
  5. Hmm, yes i do have an email... o.O But im not sopposed to tell just anyone... o.o

    Erm, how does it work? Is it like... in MP3 format and i download it? Sorta confused...
  6. Do you have any e-maiL add.? I couLd send you my recordings via that.. :-)
  7. Yesha onee chan~! ><. Sorry for sorta late reply. D:> I was busy...

    Anyway, i wish i know Korean. OwO. The language seem fun!

    Oh, sometimes i can tell too! Just by hearing melody of songs. But most songs i listen to are all i can understand. >w<.;

    BoA's Eien? o.O Thats sound nice title... I might try listening to it sometime. OwO.

    Email add? I want to hear! =o How does it work?
  8. Yup! I do speak Korean aLittLe.. but! I can sing a fuLL korean song, though I can't fuLLy understand what I'm singing/saying.. hehehe! for me.. I couLd reaLLy teLL what is the emotion of a song just by hearing it's meLody and rhythm.. so, it's no probLem even if I don't know the meaning of the words of the korean song I'm singing.. :-) And.. Yes, I know BoA! I Love her japanese song "Eien".. :-) ALso, if you just have an e-maiL add. I couLd send you my different korean recordings, if you Like.. :-) So, you can hear my voice..
  9. Oh! K-pop? Do you know Korean? 8D

    I have some k-pop! You should definitly try songs by BoA! She is Korean but also sings Japanese AND English! O_O. She is awesome. =A=.

    You know, i actualy want to learn Korean. :3 People tell me that ill be able to learn it quickly because the Japanese language is simular to Korean language.
    People say Korean easyer to learn then Chinese for the Japanese people.

    (And i wish i was half Korean XD that would be cool...)
  10. I'm Learning k-pop songs lateLy.. but I can do some j-pop too.. especiaLLy songs by Utada Hikaru.. :-)
  11. Oooh... dancing... =A=. I like that...

    I also sing too. ^^. Jpop. I do karaoke. XD
    What kind of songs do you sing?
  12. Yup.. LoL! and I aLso Love to try dancing too.. :-)
  13. Oh, Hello Yesha san! :] How are you?

    Yeah, you didnt message me in long while. :< But its okay.

    I hope you get some time to draw. I want to see! OwO.

    Ooh... and i also havent drawn much, busy with study...

    Hmm... vocal training? Do you... sing?
  14. Hey! Hi Hiromi! What's up? Sorry I haven't been Leaving messages to you for quite a Long time.. so? How have you been? And yeah! Thanks for the compLiment, I haven't been doing any drawings since Last month, I'm so busy with schooL, and my vocaL training.. :-) *sigh*
  15. I am doing bad.. ; 3 ;

    T^T. Sleep is important. Thats what my buddy tell me but i want to talk with him! ; [] ;

    Oh. And i saw your art thread! You draw so well now!

    Amazing.. (*_*.)
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