Conversation Between Sinister and Furore

79 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, when I retire in my mid 20s.
    That is one major upside of working almost every night.
  2. Maybe it's that we're both ready for something phenomenal to happen or that we're expecting something...and nothing's happening. That's kind of how I feel. idk...anyway we'll get over it, I imagine. lol
  3. Also good, and also kind of bored with how similar stuff seems to be of late, though in terms of work rather than Uni.
    Grass is always greener I imagine.
  4. Honestly... I'm getting a little tired of the Univeristy scene. It's always the same. It just seems like it gets worse the further I go with it. I used to really appreciate that. But now, it's getting old. Maybe cause this is a new place and I still haven't gotten used to it. =/ Anyway, how ARE you, sir?
  5. How goes it dude?
  6. Whoops, wasn't online here or HOME much the past few days.
    Too much crap to do of late...

    But the Star Wars space is free.
    Just not the clothes...
  7. Hah! I KNEW they'd make one eventually! *Adds to top of the list of things to buy* I'll be on prolly later today. If you're online you'll have to tell me about it.

  8. Dude, star wars space on HOME. EPIC!!
  9. Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima needs an invite to the Cleanup Crew.
  10. I seem to keep missing you on MSN.
  11. Also Dim said to get your ass on MSN.
  12. Like my latest journal entry old chap?
    Hopefully it'll spark a little more interest in 'dekilling' this place.
  13. Ask Dim or Jules for details on my plan. Your inbox was full.

    I don't think I could have read it right regardless.
  15. Holy shit,'s been twelve hours since I can't read that title right in that condition!
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