Conversation Between Phantom and ChloChloAriadne

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. o.0 lol
  2. Hey hun, haven't heard from you a long time! How've ya been?
  3. aww I feel awful, I feel alittle better then I did yesterday, but its not over yet, so I'm trying to treat it before the week is over.
  4. Ew. Yeah, I've been sick too. ><
  5. at first it was a sore throat, then it evolved into the flu, then back and neck pains ><
  6. Aw, what with? ;_;
  7. I've been sick
  8. Eh, alright. You know, not amazing, but alright. Haha. What about you, how've you been?
  9. I know been busy, how are you?
  10. We haven't talked for sooooooo long.
  11. Haha, it was good, really it was!
  12. XD Who doesn't love lame penis jokes?
  13. I'm still rofling on that penis joke XD. Hey
  14. Haha =D
  15. It feels so big? I was tempted to make a lame "That's what she said" joke, but then I realised that I didn't have a penis and that would be very, very sad.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 20
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