Conversation Between Violet and Victoria

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Lol, some people just never learn.
  2. Yes, Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion will be so awesome! =D
    Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion
  3. Haha, nah.. I was kinda aiming at everyone. ^^;;;
    I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

    And yeah, everything does eventually get old. This'll fade out soon enough. *nods*
    Anyway. Back to food and Mythbusters. =D
  4. Well, I thought you were aiming at me because I was participating in the whole stuff as well. I personally think it's all stupid, but it's still funny. Everything gets old.. just like those dare games we were doing.
  5. Also... why do I need to take a chill pill? I'm being calm. o.O;
    Perhaps you need to take one for being offended at something that wasn't even aimed at you. Maybe.

    But yeah, like I said, I don't really care about the S-Mod jokes, I just think that since more people are doing it, it's losing its charm. That's all.
  6. Uh... no, not necessarily.
    It really is getting old and unfunny when everyone starts doing it. I'm not just saying this because I don't like it. I don't really care about it, to be honest. I'm just giving an observation, that's all. Take it how you want.

    *shrug* Besides, why would you even bite my head off for that anyway? I wasn't saying anything offensive. =\
  7. I think you just need to take a chill pill and ignore it if you don't like it. >_> I don't see anyone posting it in your VMs. It's all just for shits and giggles anyways.
  8. This S-mod joke is getting kind of old, don't you agree? >_>;
    It was funny when it was only "pete" running, but now everyone and their dog is doing it...
    Doesn't really make it all that special anymore.
  9. Bad Ann. You're supposed to put "Sheena for S-Mod" =(
    I kid, though. Zero's supposed to become a mod before s-mod at any rate. =P
  10. Thar hi!
  11. Hai thar again
  12. Hiya Toph! ^^
  13. Hallo thar.
  14. Second comment!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14