Conversation Between Psiko and T.G. Oskar

3 Visitor Messages

  1. That's why I don't have a solid top 10 list of games. I can tell you which games I love depending on the genre (sports: none except a soccer game for the SNES; shooters: none except Goldeneye because it's really trippy). To me, it's mostly top ten per genre, as well as FFVI which is separate from the list. To be precise, it's rank 0 in RPG top 10; I can decide which are the best by list, but FFVI simply can't be ranked. This is to prevent disrupting just how special the game is, and allow other games to be #1.

    I find odd that you haven't mentioned Valkyrie Profile (it is a really good game), nor the entire Ogre series (all games are awesome, and it goes from old-school to new-school pretty well), and a handful of new games (Lost Odyssey even though I still haven't played it, most Nippon Ichi games, the SRW compilation). I would say also the newcomers to dungeon-crawlers (Etrian Odyssey, The Dark Spire and Class of Heroes), but that's a niche group of games only a few such as I care to enjoy (along with Wizardry and old-school Elder Scrolls)
  2. Ish dat Night Blade Hawk ay has en meh avy. Seiken Densetsu 3 is an amazing game, as I am sure you agree based upon your comment there.

    In fact, it was the first game to shake up my Top 5, which had been unchanged since I fell in love with Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy VI. It also joins the ranks of the staple games Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior IV. I've decided I need to give SD3 a second play through here soon. So much variety available, it merits many playings!

    Man, even listing my top 5 (well, 6 really) games gives away just how Old Skool I am. The fact that the only "newer" games in my top ten would be Goldeneye and Final Fantasy Tactics is kind of sad. To think, we've not had an excellent game to compare in all these years...

    At least none that I have played...
  3. Iz dar sum Seiken Densetsu 3 charcter u got in yer avy? ('Tis an invitation to awe, thine chosen image for thine avatar. Thou hath done but a majestic service to a fine game)

    Not have seen the image, but I'll bet it must be a Rogue Hawk (not seen it since I went for Wanderer Hawk, mind you). Am I correct in the prediction?
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