Conversation Between SilkAngel and Kilala

160 Visitor Messages

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  1. O.o You ski on sand? I don't have good balance, so I would fall.
    How can roofs be fun? I never see anyone on them. -.-
  2. No... but we have a ski slope! XD Come see that x3
    Aww but roofs can be fun!
  3. Does it snow?! I've never been in snow before! ^^

    Well, it isn't all that great actually. Instead of brick walls, I can see roofs. T.T It's fun to look out when it's raining though. :3
  4. XD!!! Well I live life indoors almost... except when it's Winter! Then it's lovely here....
    So what is the view out of the bathroom window? x3
  5. Yep. It's a really high window, so I have to climb on the shower ledge to look out of it. XP
    You poor thing! I don't think I could take it in Dubai. T.T I admire you. ^^
  6. Haha! In the bathroom eh? Well... every room has its quirks x3
    And I wouldn't find it too hot... I live in Dubai... it's always hot here XD
  7. It's too hot. T.T I don't think you would like it.

    Hmmm, it's better than looking at a brick wall. ^^ However, the window in the bathroom gets a great view! What a weird place to put the best view, huh?
  8. XD I've always wanted to go to Texas. I know so many people there o.o

    Good scenery... well... I see a gym and a pool! Maybe a palm tree soon.
  9. Yay! Just be sure to get to Texas before 7:00 p.m. central time. o.o

    Ugh...I would rather be cold than hot. Sorry! However, does your room come with good scenery? I only see the side of our neighbors house. -__-;
  10. Indeed it is the best! *Glomples*

    Count me in! XD I'll be there *throws confetti*
    Aww... my room feels like a furnace... swap? XD
  11. It's a very nostalgic feeling, and that is always the best. ^^

    Well, you wanna come with me to Golden Corral tonight? :3 My step-dads' friend is treating us. *huggles back* Man! My room feels like 10 degrees!
  12. Ooo that is so cool! I love how a taste can trigger a memory or an occasion you know?
    Hehe no worries! We shall do it another time x3 Mwhahahaha! *Huggles*
  13. They were really good! Mom told me to try them with grape jelly, and it made them taste like Thanksgiving. O.o I don't know why or how, but they just reminded me of Thanksgiving! They were good though. :3

    I would take you, but I don't have a car OR a job yet. T.T Sorry!
  14. Ooo! You must tell me how the meatballs went down. I'm curious x3
    The California Pizza Kitchen? Haven't heard of that =O Sounds nice though... Take me? xD
  15. Thanks!
    I myself have never had the meatballs before, so this will be a first. ^^ I love to try new food though! Have you ever been to The California Pizza Kitchen before? I have only been once, but there was this pizza with avocado and chicken. It was really really good!
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