Conversation Between Phantom and TehRealDinnin

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Ah well thanks <3 Bleach.
  2. heh I forgot where I got it from >_<; But check around, maybe google might have it
  3. Omg Phantom you have to show me where you got that Matsumoto and Hitsugaya pic I love it and adore it
  4. Hmmm so I seem to have run across a forumla I believe is right for Base Magic Damage:
    6 * [Level + Magic] and than for the true Damage to be worked out its: [BaseMagicDamage * SpellPower] I believe that's right. So lets say I'm level 12 and have 99 magic stat. than its 6 * [12 + 99] so thats 666 than [666 * 6.5625] (For Ultima lets say) Does that all work out right or did you not go to far into the mechanics?
  5. lol >_>
  6. Same but I played FF2 at the same time lol
  7. XD which was your first FF? Mine was FF1 for NES
  8. lol actually I'm the same year XD
  9. XD me too, I'm a advid FF gamer lol, since 1995
  10. I'm playing that as well so if you need any help like with what the jump rope thing gives you I can help or any mini game I've done almost everything in that FF
  11. Ah thats cool, I just finished my FFVII walkthrough last month, and I'm currently working on a FFIX walkthrough.
  12. Will do Currently I'm writing an FAQ for them all, I just made a list of all the games I have and writing one for each at the moment I'm playing the following FF's: FF1 FF2 FF3 FFX, FF9, FFT,FFTA,FFTA2... Yeah its going to take a me a while (my friends playing FF7 and I have a file that has an almost 'Perfect game'
  13. Hey Dinnin, so your writing a FFVII walkthrough too eh? XD I just finished my own. Let me know it need any help or proofreading done.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13