Conversation Between Ernest and Priscilla

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Because I am moving overseas . Kind of hard to make it back to work every day =].

    No sorry ='[
  2. 15. Wow-wee. Lol. Creep indeed. Why are you leaving?

    (by the way, you wouldn't know how to unsubscribe to threads permanently would you?)
  3. I was still 15. It was not long after I first started so.. A little big creepy I guess.

    Oh, I see. Well that's a bit odd. Maybe it isn't a requirement for you guys? Our Area Manager makes it one so that might be why. It's annoying to have to go out the back to get every game. But it's a good idea at the same time. My store is pretty busy and just got upped to the best clan. One of the stores had 6000 trades in a week. No idea how we are going to compete with that though.

    I shop in EB because I always get things cheaper, because I work there. Otherwise I would not be bothered. I quit next month though.
  4. Wow.. What a loser Lol. I hope you still weren't 15 when that happened.

    Nope we don't. Not sure why. I live in North Rocks, which is very close to Parramatta, in Sydney. Its not a very big (successful) branch, hence not getting many shifts and hence no plastic wrap. I used to shop a fair bit from EB before I worked there. More out of convinience than anything. I worked in the city before, so working close to home is a bonus.
  5. I handed in a resume the day the store opened when I was 15. Bought a PS2 at the same time. Got the job. Looking back I think I got it because the manager wanted to bed me? He asked me out and tried to book a hotel so I am pretty certain this is the case. We have a different manager now though.

    Everyone at my store price matches and most of the games are in plastic. We only have one on display and the rest are out the back and we always fetch them from there. So they have no stickers and are new. Do you guys not do that there? =]
  6. About 2 months. I don't get many shifts at the moment, but enough to cover rent and expenses and etc. How did you get your job there? I gave them an application when I picked up a pre-order. I had rapport with the manager after we'd discussed the game a little.

    In truth, EB's prices are pretty bad. They have a nice return policy, but theres no plastic wrap on the games, which means stickers go directly on the case. You can price match, but people rarely do it. Its embarassing. LOl.
  7. Haha. Yeah I worked at Woolies before I worked at EB. Been working at EB for three years in March. It's great =]. How long have you been working there now?
  8. Hey.

    Yeah I like working at EB. I came from a shite job beforehand so it was a refreshing change.

    I'm a little rusty with this forum layout, though I've been on heaps. None of them really had the personal profile depth that this one does.

    Aye, heaps of Australians are FF fans. I just wish I knew more personally. Lol. Hence, joining a forum.
  9. PS. I work at EB Games too! What a coincidence =]
  10. Oh. You've had no visitor messages? Well hello =]. It is nice to see another Aussie =]
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