Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. Diamond Sword, Shield, Helm, Armor. Important. Otherwise, get a Special Day, or day with AP, then go to Quick Battle. Pick Exdeath, fight in Edge of Madness. Set his AI as low as possible, minimum strength, level 1, random behavior. Fulfill the AP Chance, end immediately. Rinse, lather, and repeat.
  2. Any ideas of how to get a giant amount of AP?
  3. Actually, Luneth is one of the few characters whose branching abilties have branching abilties. But it wouldn't hurt to master abilties, right? Less AP...
  4. Oh right! So my Zidane may have more moves and Kuja ect?
  5. You have to master his abiltities, and master the branching abilties. Master Thunder to get Thundaga, master Thundaga to get Flare. Simple.
  6. Got a question... How come I have my Onion Knight doesn't have Sword shower or the other BRV to Hp attacks?

    I really need some, school is annoying me!
  7. Kefka for you.

    You can't have any. I took it all last night.
  8. Hypnotic belly dancers and candy?!

    What kind of Crack have you been taking and where can I get a hold of some!
  9. Well, it's just a remix, but I get hypnotic belly dancers, and they have candy. o_O
  10. I'm in England, Europe!

    I get like a Asian, desert image at the beginning then the guitar and vocals starts to make it sound kind of religious... It's a weird tune for Kefka...
    What about you?
  11. Finally, an international over here! And over there too! (Where you are)

    By the way, what image do you get listening to this?
    YouTube - Final Fantasy VI Dancing Mad Arrange Version Part 2
  12. What's better than that?
  13. But we are getting Star Ocean 4 International!
  14. I know...
  15. Oh well...
Showing Visitor Messages 1441 to 1455 of 2228
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