Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. I actually can get through the "don't get hit" missions just fine, all you do is use your trusty guard! I have round guard on too so I can guard from any angle! That made the three wyvern type heartless in Halloween town really easy.
    I guess the reward sucks? I really don't want to be the person that does that anyway. The games fun and all but the repetitive nature is just TOO MUCH to replay the levels again... You know that I would do all the challenges if I was able to use the Oblivion and Oathkeeper... Oh well.

    That is BADASS! I tried using my R4 card version of the game for cheating but the game just went blank when I started the game as if to say "I'm too cool for a cheat code!". I'm sticking to my bought copy of the game!
  2. It is, some require you to be level 5, max. o_O Worst of all, there are those annoying, don't get hit missions, but the enemies are RELENTLESS. And usually, those missions have unavoidable battles...
    But, the reward is good. If you're insane and patient enough to get all 255 challenge Sigils, you get some Ultima Weapon panel which links to your weapon and boosts its stats... SLIGHTLY. (So... even the ultimate reward isn't worth it...)

    I thought about cheating and seeing what is does, but guess what? Days is more badass than I thought. I had like 300+ games on the Action Replay with who knows how many codes. Trying to put it on there... somehow, all the games and all the codes were wiped from the Action Replay. o_O O_o Talk about one badass game... -_-
  3. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww............ .....

    That sounds bad, I've tried a few myself.
  4. I wish I could teleport some candy to you, but no one's invented that technology yet... -_-

    Anyway, I just completed some Challenge Missions in Days. I gotta say, some a FRUSTRATING. >.<
  5. I'm staying inside... I was going to prank Trick or Treater's but someone forgot to buy the candy for them! Now we have to stay in and do nothing! x(
  6. Remember Vivi, if they give you rocks, instead of candy, rum them.
  7. I'm drunk! (Just kidding) but I know that you're going to be!
  8. Snatch me some rum while you're out.
  9. Heya, me harty! (I'm a pirate!)
  10. Yo, Vivi! Happy Halloween!
  11. (He didn't say he was laughing...) And that dream was real, but now I'm trying to put it behind me, but you just... won't let me, or Fate, for that matter. It's over, done with, at least that's what Fate told me. He said he wants to put it all behind us.

    And Fate, he could never hate me unless I did post his name if I allowed myself, but I didn't. I just want to stop. Can't we? Please? For Fate's sake, at the very least?
  12. ...
  13. Let it slip?! Do you even know what's coming out of your mouth or is it just a buzzing in your ears? (Fate didn't mind, in fact he found it funny because he is from Tekken - ¬¬') Fate is counting on us and if you keep going on about this so called "Dream" of your's, I'm sure Fate will soon hate you. I'm not going to drop the subject because you're calling me the bad guy when I am not.
  14. You're mincing words, now, but I'll let this slip, as long as you don't try anything like this again. (And while Fate made no mention of Hwarang, I'm sure he wished you wouldn't have done that.) Fate is counting on you as much as me. So... let's just drop this subject, okay? (If you continue, you'll just put yourself in a bad spot.)
  15. You're not following a example... -_-' You're starting to get on my right nerve Ralz.

    I wasn't insulting you, I said I would wait for you to calm down from your stupid mood and talk to me... But no you have to be the antagonist and force the blame on to me.

    Thus this is your doing and I won't be a part of it.
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