Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ethan Blitzball King

258 Visitor Messages

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  1. Man I thought it was great I don't think the US will get the same welcome do you?????
  2. Nope! Saw it on the news.
  3. Well I saw that I just pretty much left a couple of days ago were you there??????
  4. All right! I'm sure that there was a parade through the street for the war veterans a few weeks ago.
  5. Thanks I will at least know whats going on at home Yeah I live a couple of blocks away from the park
  6. No problem.
  7. Yeah Sorry about that too many things happening to me
  8. You mean near the park, next to Buckingham Palace?
  9. Near the Castle of London can't really think of the exact place I move alot
  10. Ah!

    Where did you used to live in London? Where abouts?
  11. Right now I am in Maine but hopefully I am moving out west
  12. What state are you in?
  13. Thanks and well my welcome wasn't well warm I got a load of cold shoulders if you know what I mean I really regret this decision who knows maybe I may Run into Fate that would be interesting HUh?????
  14. Oh, right! I thought that they were insulting you! I heard that the British don't get a warm welcome over there. :/ Sure, if anything changes, I'll be sure to tell you!
  15. Well I guess that is the way teens greet each other because he said (hey dog whats up)and yes I want to be updated on london Please
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 135 of 258
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