Conversation Between Diyala and Zargabaath

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  1. They're still around though they are more "mainstream" and fill the ranks of American liberals/Democrats.
  2. uha , I got it thanks , lucky for us they didn't reach us which is why It's my first time to hear about them , but I think there is no such hippies nowadays though according to what I read their lifestyle seemed to be just a strong reaction of the ultimate materialism during the 60th , and despite of the bad things they invented I liked this line "They thought if all countries were at peace with each other than that would mean there would be World Peace"
  3. Hippies were a subculture that originated in the U.S during the 1960s and spread to other countries. Early hippies had [counter-culture] values based on the Beat Generation. Beat Generation values were: experimentation with drugs, alternate forms of sexuality, an interest in Eastern religion, & rejection of materialism to name a few. Hippies embraced sexual revolution and used drugs to experience alternate states of consciousness.

    In other words they were bums that used drugs, had sex with a lot of partners and in new ways other than heterosexuality, believed people should go back to living in very primitive ways (i.e, one with nature), wanted peace between countries but did not care about turmoil within any countries. They thought if all countries were at peace with each other than that would mean there would be World Peace, however the state within the countries matter too.
  4. Hey Zargabaath , oh glad you respond ........immm don't worry take your time I'll always come and check my VM or say may be it's the reason why I'm still here .
    Western culture you say , I don't know much about it but I know that in the past no matter what culture you belong to , people were more conservative than now
    and what's hippy by the way ?
  5. I'm able to understand what you are saying. What you said is similar to what happened back in the day in western culture. Then the hippies came and their stupidity spread.

    Edit: Sorry for taking some time to respond.
  6. You know by having sex relationships we will have lives built upon this thing which most people take it only for pleasure , If there is no marriage (real father and mother - family home )who would take care of those kids? growing up without knowing who their father's or mother's was , feeling hatred for the whole life or becoming murderers and so on and then we will have nothing but collapsed society .This is the reason why we have no playing with guys before marriage . coz we want kids to grow and feel the warmth of their families .
    About your question , as I told we have no dating without the intention of marriage
    but after things are settled between the two families and after the engagement yes dating, romanticism and whatever.
    uha I forgot to mention virginity is a treasure that must be kept for your husband , and girls who already lost their virginity are more likely to be playful with whomever is called a man whenever she wants , so she would find no one to accept her as a wife who would be a good mother and raise children in the future !
    another thing , when the guy has enough info about his bride he asks to meet her in the presence of the girl's father or uncle , by this meeting he would decide whether he wants her or not and also the girl would do the same , so then after the meeting they will decide the wedding and other stuff and so they begin dating .
    any question or everything is clear so far ?
  7. Nah, it ends in divorce. Hahaha, which shows the sorry state of at least American marriages. With divorce becoming more acceptive I feel that people have become lax in picking their spouse, however, it could be said that back in the day that people still chose wrong yet they couldn't do anything about leaving the marriage.

    Could you be a bit more specific on male & female relationships. Like, dating before marriage, waiting to meet till the wedding day, coitus before or after marriage, etc?
  8. Ok tell me about yourself ,I mean male and female relationships and how you see them , are they successful ? and does each love relationship usually end by marriage ?
  9. What I meant was I thought you were going to say something similar to what you did.
  10. Of course the girl becouuse she is the one who will marry not her dad , besides her father wouldn't force his beloved daughter for something she hates , and his mission then is to start checking the guy's character by asking about his personality and other stuff , I mean to make sure that his daughter will be with someone deserves her.
    About the guy yes , basically before asking her hand he must have something that attracts him to her ,which every man seeks: good morals , beauty , education and good reputation by asking people like friends in the same place where the princess works ^^, and you know people will understand that it's all for engagement and they will help (the prince's mother will do that mission since she wants good women for her son )
    and I know what I'm saying seems strange to you , that's the perfect way I suppose for the reason that we are Muslims .

    One more thing , what did u mean when you say suspected as much ?
  11. I suspected as much. When you say, "you have the choice to accept or reject" do you mean the girl has the choice or the father?

    Did her husband know something about her? I understand not meeting each other before marriage though wouldn't the guy who asks for a girl's hand in marriage at least want to know some characteristics of her?
  12. eeeeeeeerm how can I explain it ! You know Muslim societies are conservative ones ,so guys and girls don't meet each other before marriage , and from my good reputation in the neighborhood the one who wants me would come to daddy to ask for my hand , and you have the choice to accept or reject but I would wish someone with not much money and as wise and educated as I suppose ^________^
  13. I attended my uncle's wedding this past September. He was finally able to get married after a lot of failed girlfriends who would not work out.

    How long has your sister known her husband?
  14. Great ,I've been busy with my sister's wedding , the previous weeks were only attendeing weddings.It has taken all our concern and what really concerns me is to be happy I miss her ^^
    she's having her honey moon and really seems to be happy .
  15. Pretty good. I have just been going through the motions of life. I've gotten back into reading a bit which is always good; I got to get my books-to-read list down.

    How have you been?
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