Conversation Between GypsyElder and Pete

169 Visitor Messages

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  1. aww. no fair, it takes me like an hour to get there.

    You should come to Cali just for the Beaches. I love them now. Get nakie yeaahh!! haha.
  2. the one that was in your journal haha. no clue what or where it is.

    i love the beach and i live about 20 mins from one, but it's nothing like the beaches in cali. no real beach towns or real laid back culture here in ny
  3. Which pic? haha

    the becah one or Huntington one?

    do you like the beach? or do you not live near any
  4. I'll show you awesome. ahaha!
  5. well thank you lol! not every day i get compared to popeye, but it's awesome nonetheless
  6. I saw it while I was looking for something on Google, and it reminded me of you
  7. hahaha all I'm missing are the tattoos
  8. aha, Glorious just like me, mwahah!! JK

    how convenient^^
  9. haha it was glorious as is. mostly because mistress sheena, who refers to himself as victoria, is indeed a dude.
  10. ahah!! ty! what should I have said? Hmmmm?
  11. you are officially my favorite tff rookie, btw. your reply to q#6 was too perfect for so many reasons
  12. How does my Toejam and Earl buddy sound? lol
  13. haha sure thing.
  14. I'm going to make a small TFF family in my sigy, wanna be in my family? only cool people get an invite
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 135 of 169
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