Conversation Between Alther Primus and Meigumi

461 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're an art slave!

  2. Hey, I'm no slave. >:T I'm a hardworking artist, mind you.

    So, if these.... name quiz results are true.... I'm probably better off working at some rich dood's house. >_>; I dunno, these results could be a fraud, but... it seems true. *reads paper about 20 times*

    OK... *Holds up the stuff from the box* I emptied them earlier.
  4. .. o_______o *turns around*

    Dude, stop burning stuff. That's actually a box of costumes and old papers..... >____<
  5. *Cracks whip*

    (... *Burns box*)
  6. Must.....finish.... EVERYTHING...... >_< Life will guarantee satisfaction through good......

    (....I thought the day would never, ever come, but..... *takes a box*)

  7. (*follows*)
  8. *drags body to desk* >_<

    (..... *sneaks to closet*)
  9. =p

  10. *breathes* Don't give bone-crushing hugs....ever... >_>;

    (*dashes out of rock, then stops against a wall*)
  11. *releases*

  12. Can't.....bweathe....... >_<

    (*peeks from the rock and looks around, then slowly crawls out*)
  13. No, I'm gonna give you a HUG!

    (Apology accepted)
  14. ...... Al, are you still there....? :'D I think I'm finally gonna die.

    (*waits under rock*)
  15. *Begins chuckling even more darkly*

    (*Returns to normal size*)
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 135 of 461
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