Well, Everyone should get their own trials, In my humble opinion... And yes, I actually gave you both the themes that should be used in Elyon's Trial, But i remember you saying that you've decided that Shira will be the Final Boss. Which means that if you still want to have Elyon as the Pre-final, You can use that Battle Theme i gave you for that purpose as well. So i get to handle equipments and the synthesis? Oh alright... I suppose i could do that, I'll immediately work on it, Just thinking on a schedule in which how its going to be made. And yeah... We're almost done with the musics, But we still need a few more themes, But i'll let you handle that, Next up, the Sprites and all... But Meigumi is currently not working on them, Probably busy with life. But in this rate... We wont get the Sprites done at all.
Let's see, the issue was... The secret dungeon, right? And about how we should cut away most of the character stories for the sake of character development where it actually belongs? Okay... So, you gave me the themes for Elyon's trial, and Dimitri's is just his boss fight. I could easily use other themes for the other characters, IF they get trials, which is looking unlikely. I'd like to leave equipment to you. It was harder than I thought, considering your ideas of them having options to consider. Like, +30 defense but it reduces RP by 50. I'd like you to come up with some ideas toward this in the coming days. The only thing left for the music is really the afterstory, which I'm in the process of imagining. I'll give a quick look over what we have to see what we need and what we don't.
I think we were to complete the set of Musics, After that, we should work more throughoutfully on the selection on Equipment and Synthesis.
Okay, I'm back. It was a great game, though I'm a bit mad what they did with Xemnas. Oh well, we finally know what KH3 will be about, now. I also have a few other nitpicks, like how dumb the Drop system is and not being able to level and fuse commands is lame. Still, I had fun. Anyway, now that I've beaten it and taken some time to let it sink in, I can return (somewhat) to my duties. Where were we?
In relevant (or not) news, I just bought my 3DS today, and Dream Drop Distance with it. K, bai for a few days.
Yay boredom
Did you get that last PM, the one where I asked you to try and find themes for all the character trials? I sorta posted it really fast and I'm not sure if the system took it or not. Sorta worried by the silence.
I get that, We'll work on that as soon as possible, But right now, We're music focused.
I'm going to be sending a "changes" writeup alongside it. Mostly to explain where I'm coming from when I mean Chaosthroph and what not. There's been a great number of changes, most of which hasn't been completely thought out yet. I'm seeking what's best to improve the story, so we should debate on this as well. Stuff like character changes or new scenarios will be including and you can give your opinion on such. Would so help out.
Well, You start. xD
Oh, of course. Naturally, I'll want you know where you intend each piece to be used before I can give a full judgment, but I'll comment on it as a whole.
Yes, Its time to start discussing of what we have and which of these we should use, But do tell your opinions towards my selections, And i'll tell my towards yours.
Alright, I've downloaded it and listened to all we have so far. I suppose it's time to begin discussions, yes? Let's do this via PMs. I'll start by explaining why I chose the themes I did, and the use for them in-game. And yes, most of the themes you chose speak entire volumes, I have to say.
In fact, I dunno what has happened to Mediafire, But nontheless, I found a way to upload and a site, Just a quickie. Music Collection.rar - Speedy Share - upload your files here I got lazy so i didnt include my own commetaries among the music, The music should describe it itself.
Use tinyupload. That's what I used to send you those files. And yeah, what happened? I never had to sign up before...