And after you come back from war, or wherever the Navy goes, you could perform corrective laser eye surgery for a living. Those guys make a ton of money, because the human eye sucks, and therefore, literally 99% of humans eventually have vision problems, but they don't want to, and therefore go and get it fixed.
I think the military is doing crack with God for creating those laser vision Navy SEALs. You know, my grandpa was in the Navy during World War II, but he doesn't have laser vision. I bet he feels ripped off. I wouldn't want to be a laser vision seal, but if I was in the navy, and everybody around me had laser vision, but I didn't, I'd be pissed.
God is on crack. That's the only thing that makes sense. Otherwise he wouldn't have made all of these stupid creatures, especially taxes. These taxes just walk up to your house, knock on the door, and as soon as you open up, they take all of your money. And those laser-vision seals, I'm not really sure if they're seals or Navy SEALs, but they sound very dangerous.
I think so. Either he was bored, or high on LSD.
Have you heard anything about the thieving penguins or the laser vision seals, yet? If you think Space-Midgets terrorize you, wait until you hear about the other things out there.
I can't. It's too horrifying. Whenever I try to forget about those damn space midgets, I end up having a nightmare about them that bring all the thoughts rushing back into my mind.
Well, that's kind of what happens when people get bored. I mean, one time I was bored, and now I have a lifetime ban from a hotel in Las Vegas. Throw a bunch of space midgets in the mix, and the outcome is one hundred times more severe.
So, instead of living on earth, we'd live on Gemini. That's pretty cool, actually. I wouldn't mind that. "Hi, my name is Bill (no it isn't,) and I'm from Gemini." I like the sound of it. But what would the moons be named after? They could just be called Moon I and Moon II, starting with Gemini's moon, considering that it's the first moon in the solar system. Why did the space midgets have to screw all of this up?
And those other three planets behind Pluto that had the chance to become part of the main solar system planets were classified as dwarf planets because of that, too, so we were actually screwed out of two planets besides Pluto. Those space midgets are relentless! They're more unforgiving than Clint Eastwood in his 1992 award winning western, Unforgiven.
You heard about the Apollo 13 disaster? Space midgets caused that. The Columbia disaster? That was also space midgets. That other space shuttle disaster that I can't remember the name of? That was space midgets, too. And you remember when the Millennium Falcon almost got eaten by that worm on that asteroid that one time, and all those times it was captured by the Empire? Space midgets were behind it.
Space midgets are the most dangerous thing since sliced bread. You really don't want to get into that subject. It'll give you nightmares. Believe you me.
Especially if they're Asian midgets. They they could fly at night, when the six foot man can't see a damn thing, and hit him hard in the chest, causing him to fall over. But if he falls over onto a midget, or an Asian, he could kill somebody.
Who, midgets? I guess they're mean because they're so small. They have average sized anger in those tiny little bodies. That can't be good for them, though.
Midgets, too. They're almost as freaky as clowns.
And it puts clowns to useful work, for once, instead of doing those stupid clown jokes and tricks that everybody has always hated.