Conversation Between Bleachfangirl and Fate

191 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yay!^^ The evil rock has been vaporized!^^

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... She bit me!
  2. Okies then! *launches missile at the rock* The rock, along with a good portion of the street it was on, has been terminated.

    Why do you think my teeth would break? Unless your skin is made of mythril, I think I stand a good chance of doing more damage than what I receive. Oh yeah? *bites*
  3. Let's start with that rock down the street. It's been *haunting* me!

    Oh, no one would dare bite me. It's not because I'm adored by everyone, but it's because it'll break their teeth! But do wouldn't bite me!
  4. Hey, I'm a 48 year old man with problems! I don't just attack anyone...oh wait. I do.

    *eats the cookie, but sulks in a corner* You're lucky I like you, otherwise, there would be some biting going on right about now...and you'd be missing a chunk of your arm. (XD)
  5. Yeah, you want me to send you my hate list so you can track them down?

    I know! That's why I love you!^^ *hands you a cookie for your efforts*
  6. Oh, so you wish for me to continue my ways and attack someone else? XD

    Wow Fate...I just sat there and listened to a half hour of baroque compositions for someone who hasn't listened the them himself. *dies*
  7. Aww, don't be sad! *hugs*

    I haven't even listened to a whole one yet!
  8. Aw, now you've made me sad...I think I'll change my ways now!

    So why are you making me listen to all of them? XD Spring has the same basic theme of Autumn in the beginning, so that one is nice, but Summer makes me sad for some reason. I'm only half through Autumn right now, but I think it ends the same way. I have no memory of Winter though. >.>
  9. Oh, my God! You're evil!

    Actually, I've only ever listened to Spring!
  10. Aw heck, I'll listen to them all again anyway since you went through all that trouble. Thanks. =)
  11. Oh yes, I'm a psychopathic killer who has killed people all over the country and hidden their bodies in the floorboards of the various houses I've lived in. I'm actually a 48 year old man who was left by his wife ten years ago and went on a rampage because of it. The only reason I don't like putting things in my mattress is because I have a sensitive lumbar area.

    And thanks for that, but I've already heard them all. I'm just not cultured enough to really appreciate it. XD
  12. o.O You... killed people in your room!? So it's okay to kill someone, but the guilt comes where you stuff their body, is that it?^^
  13. Nuuuuuuuuuuuu! I hide my bodies under the floorboards, not in the mattresses! XD How would I sleep soundly if I did something THAT heinous?
  14. Tear open your bed tonight. Who knows, there may be TWO corpses!^^
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 135 of 191
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