Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Doc Rocco

148 Visitor Messages

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  1. What is it with schools and crappy unupdated software? IE 5, Office 2003, WMP 9.0, Adobe 6.0... The list goes on. Oh, and Flash Player SIX. SIX. WHAT IS WITH THIS SCHOOL??? I AM GOING INSAAAAAAANEE!

    Ahem. Just.. Pretend I never said that. Hehe... >.>
  2. Roc-cooooo. I'm using version IE v 6.0 and it doesn't support transparency either. These school laptops suck. Seriously. But at least the keys are more sensitive than other laptops. D=
    You can have one too. ^^
  5. Yay! Talkies!

    I was waffling too. I am also in class. Bored out of my mind. On IE version 5 with NO TRANSPARENCY! -_-; Save me. Please.
  6. Tomorrow (which is actually today), yush. I shall be on. If you are on, we shall talk mores. ^^

    You don't know if we'll talk, or you don't know what the cube root of 385 is? I should hope you know the cube root of 385. Or, at least, your calculator does. =O

    I'm waffling. O well. I'm in class, and I'm bored. *runs off*
  7. YAY! Spaghetti in sig! A little delayed, but anyways.

    I barely got to talk to you today. Equals stupidness. Tomorrow? Yes? No? The cube root of 385? I don't know.
  8. Have another note. MSN is being boring. You should be on. And Fishie still hasn't HONF'd. D=
  9. I just read your journal. I laughed very hard. My gosh you are funny. The perfect way to end a funny day. Omigosh! I FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE SPASTIC EVENTS OF TODAY IN MY JOURNAL! HOW COULD I FORGET?! TODAY WAS THE MOST HILARIOUS DAY I HAVE HAD IN A LONG WHILE! THANK YOO LILY! Lily = Funny and helpful.

    MgCl2 + H2S --> MgS + 2HCl. If I have 5g of MgCl, how much MgS will I end up with, oh great Queen of the Molar Equations? =P
  10. Haha, silly Rocco. You sounded more Australian cliche than I expected you would. But that could be the mic. As I've already said. But I'll say it again for the benefit of anyone who might be reading the conversation. YAY FOR OBSOLETE STATEMENTS!
    But yes, MSN 8.0 is a must. MSN = <3
  11. You sound differenter than expected. What I expected, I don't know. Then how can you sound different? I am contradicting myself. This is turning into pure spam. Oh well. The point is: You sound cool, and we managed to beat MSN. Sort of. MSN 8.0 we need you! I'll stop now. I am clogging up your Visitor Messages with senseless dribble. Of which you need many more. The VMs. Not the dribble. I'll just shut up. -_-
  12. You've only had 4 messages since I left? The shock! The horror!

    And the club has died apparently... Whys? I am grossly misinformed because of my absence! I want to be grossly informed!
  13. Ah, but now I can flow. Worth giving up solidity for, I think.
    And haha, I shan't run. Much. >> Heh.
  14. I guess you can, then. Although, it may be a little difficult to stay solid, having to be at -39 degrees and all...

    And why are you running from me? I'm not that scary, and I don't say haitch!
  15. Have another note. *gives carbon atom* Yay, now you're a step closer to being normal. Only... A lot more to go. xD *runs off slowly*
    (Can I change to Mercury? Easier to run off. And still has an aitch. In its symbol, that is. xD)
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 135 of 148
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