Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. Don't you mock me. You know that the game is region coded so it won't work on my PS2!

    I'm doing it!

    Flipping heck! Yeah it does!
  2. Unbelievable! Britain wasn't issued a version! : O (Well, it doesn't really matter, but any KH fan will get it. Try eBay, I'm sure some Americans are selling them.)

    I'm waiting. ;P

    Crap, I failed.
    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Re: CoM - Larxene #2 [Only Magic Sleights]
  3. Nope, we don't have it!

    I will!

    It's where? I don't see a link.
  4. Shouldn't Britain have got it?

    Go right ahead. (Finally, I got someone to answer it. )

    Here it is. (It's from Re:Com, ironically enough) listen at 0:25. Despite the Japanese voice, doesn't it sound like she's saying "because it's you?"
  5. That. Sucks. So. Much!

    All right then, I will! Prepare to be dazzled!

    But what vid!
  6. Yeah, it came out last December.

    Keep fooling yourself. But if you're so convinced, answer the KH Trivia question up right now.

    If YouTube stopped sucking, I could show you this vid...
  7. No, you got it?!

    I don't think so! I would kick your butt in KH trivia!

    Because it's me?
  8. Btw, because it's you!!!! :d
  9. You didn't get it?

    Except I'm just a little bit more.
  10. Really?! I really wish the remade version would come over here!

    It is Ralz! And may I remind you that I am your KH fanboy equal in. Ever. Single. Way!
  11. Actually, the combo in the remade game is far more powerful because it kinda zones in on enemies... o_O

    It should be, Thou shall not insert Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days into a cheating device, or emulator, and expect it to survive for longer than three seconds.
  12. I know, the only one I don't think it does well in is KH: COM...

    One of the Ten Commandments is " Don't fudge with KH". That's the honest to god truth.
  13. Aerial fight is more effective in the entire series, really. Faster, and sometime the combos are cooler.

    Lesson for life.
  14. It's awesome! I already told you that I love to fight in the air!

    I guess so.
  15. I've noticed the Oathkeeper/Oblivion aerial combo... isn't as great. I've had plenty of instances where enemies were too far away. I like Two Across better, but that's me.

    Well, no one fudges with Days! : O
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